Blog Post 3: Secret Interview Techniques

This week the lecture discussed all things interview, which is vitally important thing to be knowledgeable about seeing as if you ever want to be employed, you’ll have to go through one! The lecturer discussed their own personal experience of getting an industry job, and then went into aspects like phone calls, likely questions we would be asked, and trickier questions we might be presented with.

Honestly for me there aren’t many things more daunting than an interview, though the lecture helped me relax a bit. The notion that the interviewers aren’t actually testing you to see that you are the perfect human, and instead are getting a feel for your work ethic, personality, lifestyle and passion to see how well you would work in their company is comforting to me. Most of the questions listed there I feel I could answer pretty well, and most of the ones I couldn’t is down to a lack of experience. One thing that I acknowledge is important that I really have to work on is hustling.

In class we did an activity where in groups, we interviewed other members of the class. I didn’t get a chance to be an interviewee, but even so I learnt a lot from being the interviewer. I didn’t really know any of the people I interviewed very well at all, but afterwards I felt like I really learnt a lot about them and how they think, and was really impressed with how well they handled our tricky questions. I even felt pride when two of the people I interviewed won, even though they weren’t in my group! I felt like I understood the necessity of interviewing people after that. It really is a great way to gauge the positive character traits of people.

Once again I call on one of Will Terrell’s videos. In this one he goes through the process of getting a job at Warner Brothers and proving he is a valuable employee.

Dena, C. (2015). Week 4: Secret Interview Techniques Self-Directed Practitioners. Retrieved from

Terrell, W. (2015). Breaking into the Animation Industry - people sketching episode 20. Retrieved from:

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