Cross Discipline Project: Three Little Pigs

I’ve been working on a project with the graphic design students as a background artist for a digital animated storybook retelling of the Three Little Pigs. It’s a lot more straight forward than the Games project as all I am require to do is provide any need backgrounds in a watercolourly Peter Rabbit Style. This is what I’ve done so far


Cross Discipline Project: Titan Tussle

Several weeks ago I attended the games student’s pitches for their project and decided to join the Paper Titan team, who were working on a top down 2v2 party game called Titian Tussle. As the name suggests, the game revolves around wrestling titans, and it was our job to model, texture and animate those characters along with assets and an environment.

To begin with, we were tasked to create concept art for the characters and environment. We were brief that there should be two different kinds of characters: Large, slow titans who charged at enemies after a delay, and smaller titans who were faster and could stun enemies.

Kate's Titian conceptsmore small titan concepts

These are the rough concepts I made for the characters. I tried to make them all very unique but also recognizable as being from the same game.


I was also asked to make a title/logo for the game and provide the layers I used for it so it could be animated, which I made sure to do.

About two weeks into the project we had a meeting on Skype to decide on what characters and environments were going to be used in the project. Initially, the games students wanted 8 characters in total (2 characters for each animator) ready for a play test in 6 days, but I expressed that I thought that would be completely out of scope seeing as we had our own projects to work on, and thankfully they cut the amount of characters back to 4, so we had one character each. I assigned myself to the titan with the tree on it’s head. We had a few technical specifications we had to adhere to: the models should be under 1000 polys and have 1024×1024 texture maps. I was also asked to create portraits for all of the chosen titans.

tree_babe bolder_pants crab_dude loki_doki

I made sure to keep the colors bright to suit the desired feel of the game, and gave the pairs contrasting colours in signature elements of their design to indicate the teams.

Having completed and animated characters by the play test was still a bit of a stretch, and we only managed to have the models ready. My model had 631 polys at this stage.treebabe wip model

Over the next few weeks I worked on polishing my model, UV unwrapping, texturing, rigging, skinning and animating my character.

treebabemodel animation topology

This is the refined model that was used in the game, with 845 polys, nicely below the limit. As it needed to be animated, I made sure to space the polys appropriately and added extra topology on the elbow, but I got it backwards on the knee and only realized when I started skinning! Typical me. I made sure to disguise it as much as possible while I was skinning, anyway.

UVmap UVunwarp

I must admit (and I’m sure it’s clearly evident) I rushed the UVs! Seeing as we were using fairly flat colors to texture, I thought this stage would be the best place to save some time. I had a few issues with the automatic seams/edges, however. When I quick-peeled an island I manually created a seam for, if there were automatic seams within that island they would flatten as two or more separate islands. I worked around this by selecting the unwanted seams and trying out the stitch options and found that the custom stitch option worked the best.

treeuvs texture

The textures were pretty easy, as we only had to provide a flat colored diffuse. I added a speckled texture on the titans skin and painted the limbs to look like wood.

Next was creating the animations! We had no idea how to animate for games, so we asked a few of our facilitators and the game student facilitators who all gave us a few resources to look further into. After looking into these and consulting with the games students, we found setting up one scene with all the different animations along the timeline was the best way. Kynan organised it with the game students to film reference on the different movements they were after. These were put up on our dedicated google drive and I found it incredibly helpful (and entertaining) refs.JPG

I created (in order for below)  an idle, impact reaction, impact, dizzy, pushed back, fall, charge, and channel animations with the help of some documentation for allocating task and for indicating what frames each animation is on.


These are a bit faster than the actual animations used in the game because I got the frame rate wrong when exporting the gifs from photoshop.

task list.JPG


I found it difficult to apply the principals of animation to the movements as many of them had to be very fast or start immediately without slowing in as to not interfere with the pace of the game. Even so, I tried to included follow through and secondary animations on the limbs and head where appropriate.

Last of all we were asked to create some portraits for the credit screen in the game, and these were my two!

Kate Portrait.jpgBen Portrait.jpg

I am so happy with how the game turned out, it looks great and is really fun to play! We were really lucky to have such a good group of game students; they were really accommodating and gave us heaps of creative freedom as well as keeping us on track and aware of all the upcoming play tests and due dates. Not to mention they actually got it to work somehow! While stressful at times juggling it with two other projects, it was a really rewarding experience and I’m super proud of what we accomplished.

Rapid Production Project: Post 1

Back to the Future & Typomad Title Sequence

Getting shit sorted

The first project in Studio 1 is to create a title sequence for a film that is being rebooted into a television show in teams. This title sequence is to emulate the style of another particular title sequence. It’s being made in a very short time frame (5 weeks) with each team member only allowed to put in 10 hours per week.

My group was assigned the film Back to the Future and the style of title sequence we are drawing from is the trailer for Typomad (Madrid Typography Festival.) The trailer is rather minimalist- relying on flat colours, simple shapes and patterns, animations and panning to reveal the initials of important people attending the event, so it was interesting to see how we could apply this to BttF and still make it interesting and recognizable.

Our leads initially decided on the idea of presenting schematics of iconic BttF technology on a workbench to reveal initials of the team members names in a similar fashion to the Typomad sequence, with appropriate 3D assets included in the shots. For the first week we were assigned the task of coming up with ideas on how the initials could be revealed. The schematic-based idea was having trouble gaining traction, which became very evident in week 2. Most of the ideas we came up with involved actual objects rather than schematics as they seemed to offer more varied and interesting ways to reveal the initials. At this stage the project still didn’t really have a direction, we have never had a face to face meeting with all of our team without at least two people missing, and we also didn’t realize that we were already supposed to have a storyboard ready to present in class. It was fair to say we were beginning to fall behind!

I asked if we could have a meeting with the members of the team that were there after that class, so we could nail down what ideas we came up with were actually going to be in our title sequence so a storyboard could be started along with allocating tasks. We didn’t manage to sort those things out during class time. I felt this helped us significantly in getting organised and actually commencing work on our project, especially for the people who could were there. We decided on including ideas that involved Marty’s hoverboard, a schematic of the Delorean, the Flux Capacitor and an alarm clock similar to the Hill Valley Clocktower, and we elected what we wanted to work on through the next week.

I chose to do the storyboards, which I decided to draw in flash to make animating the assets in the animatic easier. The process was very straight forward, I just made a new frame for each new shot in the storyboard and drew what was needed to be conveyed, but it took me a lot longer than I thought- about 6 hours, which wasn’t good for my 10 hour time limit. They were finished on Thursday, 1st of October.


I got some feedback from my team members on slack of extra little things that could be included, so I added them in the animatic, which I’ll go over in my next post!

