Solving the janky foot problem

So recently I volunteered to create a run animation for the endless runner, as the one we were supplied wasn’t exactly what we were after. However I didn’t know how to ‘mirror’ the steps to make them identical, so then came up with the idea to animate both feet taking the same step and then offsetting one to create a run cycle with identical steps.


excuse the crappy render and slow speed!

I had to skin my character to the rig Kynan made for the project, which my character didn’t exactly fit, but I tried my best to make sure the mesh deformed as appropriately as I could make it. (ANM220.L O03 Produce user friendly animation rigs suitable for an intended purpose.)


It wasn’t very fun

However I ran into issues when importing the animation into unity. For some reason, the right foot would twist, creating quite a painful looking run in-engine.



I had no idea what was causing this so initially thought I had accidentally done something to the rig. I tried very hard of find anything out of place but couldn’t, so decided to try resetting the X form. It did nothing, so I did some googling. After quite a search, I found a post online where a person said they had the same issue as me, and said they found the solution by including the rig in T-pose on the first frame then beginning the animation loop in the frame after that. So I went back into the max file where I had the animations, moved the default T-pose to be included in the animation at frame zero, exported it and imported it into unity and I found it worked for me too! (ANM220.LO06 Access and apply information independently to solve creative and technical problems)
